Books: MRCP

Neuroradiology for FRCR and MRCP

By: Ammar Haouimi

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100 Cases Histories in Clinical Medicine for MRCP (Part-1)

By: Farrukh Iqbal

Radiology for FRCR and MRCP

By: Ammar Haouimi

MRCP Part 1: 400 BOFs

By: Imran Mannan, Vincent Cheung, Claire Grout,  Benjamin Mulliss, Aruna Dias, Eric R. Beck

MRCP Paces: 180 Clinical Cases 

By: Kevin O’Gallagher, Daniel Knight, Michael O’Gallagher, Eirini Merika, Omar Malik, Peter TK Milton, Nick Oliver


MRCP Part 2 A Revision for the New Format of the Written Section

By: Farhad U Huwez, Udayaraj Umasankar, Christopher Ah Wah Chan

Revision Notes for MRCP 2 Paces 

By: Shibley Rahman, Avinash Sharma

MRCP Part 2: 450 BOFs

By: Carolyn Allen, Suzanne Forbes,  David Hunt,   Heather Lewis, Ravi Menon, Luke Moore

Towards MRCPCH Part II (Theory) Examination

By: Tapabrata Chatterjee

Mrcpsych Paper B: 600 McQs and Emis

By: Ashok G Patel Ed., Roshelle Ramkisson, Madhavan Seshadri

MRCPsych Paper 1 and 2: 600 EMIs 

By: Ashok G Patel, Roshelle Ramkisson, M.D. KashyapGursharan Lal

MRCPsych Paper 1: 600 MCQs

By: Ashok G Patel, Roshelle Ramkisson, Raman Sharma

MRCPsych Paper 2: 600 MCQs 

By: Ashok G Patel, Samir Shah, Syed Ashraf