As the February 2020 exam is approaching the RCOG has opened their eligibility window for the candidates appearing for the exam.
In the present blog we will be telling you the steps that are required to fill up the eligibility assessment form for your MRCOG-1 exam as instructed by RCOG.
The steps involved are:
- If you already have an account with the RCOG website, you must use that account.
- If you are not sure if you have an account, try the reset password process using any email address(es) you may have used to create your account.
- If you are sure you have never had an account with the RCOG website, you can create a new account.
- When you have logged in, download and save the Eligibility Assessment application form.
- Once your eligibility application has been approved, you will be able to make a booking application and pay online.
How to submit your eligibility application
Eligibility applications should be emailed with the correct documentation:
- Compose a new email with the subject: "Part 1 Eligibility Assessment Application [insert your College number]"
- Attach the completed eligibility application form; along with your medical degree or registration certificate. This can be: A scan or photo of your original primary medical degree certificate or a scan or photo of your medical registration certificate, provided it states your primary medical degree and university.
If you are GMC-registered, you do not need to send us your medical degree certificate.
3. Send your email to
The exam fees:
Fees are banded using the international membership subscription country bandings. Banding applies to the centre in which you are taking the exam and not the country of residence of the candidate.
UK & Republic of Ireland - £474
Band A - £550
Band B - £475
Band C - £380
Processing time:
- RCOG takes up to 4 weeks for processing your Part 1 Eligibility application.
- After your eligibility you will be then able to apply for your place on the Part 1 MRCOG exam.
- RCOG won’t entertain any late applications so get your eligibility done on time.
Candidates who are re-appearing for the exam:
- In case, you have already taken the Part 1 exam, you are already eligible to sit the exam.
- When booking applications are open for the Part 1 MRCOG, please log into your account and book your place on the exam directly.
- In case you are not able to login in your account, do not create a new account, as this will create problems. You can contact RCOG for this and they will help you out.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers organizes a course regarding MRCOG exam i.e. CrackingMRCOG. is an online interactive e-learning course. This MRCOG online course is self-sufficient for the aspirants of MRCOG. Stay tuned for our next blog which will give further details of Part-1 exam.
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