How to stay focused while studying?

How to stay focused while studying?

We live in the era where we are surrounded by multiple distractions. These distractions could arise from physical, mental, social, or behavioral things. Physical distractions might arise from your health, in case you are not well or suffering from some disease. Mental distractions might arise if you are trying to study but your mind is running towards useless matters. Social distractions might include your friends, family or even neighbors, because you are connected with them, and you love to discuss everything with them. Behavioral distractions might be the outcome of your own attitude which might affect your studies.
Since, the course is of 3 months and 6 months respectively, the candidates usually think “lot of time is there to study”, let me clear it out, we never have such “lot of time” at least for the studies. Such thinking comes out when we kill the time considering that it is causing no harm. But in actual, the tick tock keeps on running without notifying you of its nature. Try not to be the victim of time, be alert, focused and study.
In order to bring complete focus in our study, we must first trace out all our distractions:
Outline the big “chunks”
Breakdown and list the subtasks
Weigh the tasks and subtasks and divide the subtasks into weekly planner
Decide when each subtask needs to be completed:
o Assign the tasks
o Try and finish a single module at once along with the book study
o Make sure the module which has been activated is actually completed along with the practice sessions and FAQs
o Leave the last day open and use it up to catch up with whatever task was left incomplete and review everything before the test.

Note: Do not activate more than 1 module at once.

Also, believe that you are capable of studying effectively. The most important piece of advice here is simply to be aware of our inner chimp tendencies and to know that lurking in our mind is the constant desire to exert less effort and to get more immediate satisfaction.
We are not born lazy or hard working. We simply develop habits that then dictate how able we are to stay focused while studying. But, those habits can change very quickly if you want them to.

You are capable of studying without procrastinating. Know this, and never forget it!!

The other reason why people often struggle to maintain focus while studying is that they see the act of studying as a chore. Chores are things that we have to do, but that we really would rather not do.
However, studying is fundamentally different. It is empowering. It develops your mind and allows you to do and experience new things. It opens doors and it ultimately helps you to build a brighter future for yourself.

Take study as a challenge not a chore!!

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